Elizabeth Graver

Book Tour Schedule!

Kantika comes out on April 18th! I’ll have my launch reading at the wonderful Newtonville Books and do other events throughout New England, as well as online. I’m so looking forward to getting to be in conversation with other writers whose work I love, including Tova Mirvis, Aaron Hamburger (whose new novel, Hotel Cuba, is fabulous), Anna Solomon and Judy Bolton-Fasman. My Wesleyan RJ Julia event will be moderated by my wonderful 20-year-old daughter (& Wes sophomore), Sylvie. In Great Barrington, I’ll be in conversation with Sarah Aroeste, whose performances of Ladino songs and Ladino children’s books are an inspiration. In Williamstown, where I grew up, my childhood pal Peter is putting together a wine-tasting and reading at his gorgeous new store, Provisions Williamstown, and in Astoria, Queens, I’ll be reading just a few blocks from where part of the book is set, when Rebecca arrives newly in America. I’ll add more events to my website as they get scheduled. I’d love to see you at one of these events!

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